Governing board & tumuaki group


Kindergartens Aotearoa is an Incorporated Society. The Governing Board comprises representatives from each of its member associations including those from regions where associations have amalgamated. The board meets regularly and receives reports from the Tumuaki (managers) Group. Upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpins the work we do.

Government relations and advocacy is a priority, particularly as we have a new government in place. Building on established political and agency connections is critical in order to influence policy settings and help shape a positive future for kindergartens and ECE. We have set up working groups to support staff across operational areas, to share resource and expertise, and to ensure consistency.

Governing Board

The governance board oversees the work programme and contributes to the thinking around the design, structure, function and role of Kindergartens Aotearoa.

Daniel Wark


Board member, He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens

Paul Geden

Deputy Chair

Board member, Kaitiaki Kindergartens - Northern Auckland

Tara Morrison


Board member, Kindergarten Taranaki - Taranaki

Krissy Thompson


Chair, Inspired Kindergarten - Tauranga

Andy Pilbrow

Chair, Napier Kindergartens - Napier

Jocelyn Wright

Board member, Kidsfirst Kindergartens

Martin Robinson

Chair, He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens

Tumuaki Group

The tumuaki group brings strategic, operational and administrative expertise, experience and knowledge to the conversation

Tara Solomon

General manager, Kaitiaki Kindergartens

Peter Monteith

Tumuaki, Inspired Kindergartens

Helen McNaughten

General manager, Napier Kindergartens - Napier

Dawn Osman

Chief executive, Kindergarten Taranaki - Taranaki

Amanda Coulston

Chief executive, He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens

Sherryll Wilson

Chief executive, Kidsfirst​ Kindergartens

Gill Melvin

Senior teacher, He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens